Document indexing
Search for text inside uploaded files. Indexing happens automatically on our servers on upload. We support PDF, Microsoft Office, Open Document Format and many more file formats in any language.

Joomlatools Connect brings enterprise features to any Joomla site through web services hosted on our cloud infrastructure. Rather than relying on your hosting, let us to take care of the hard work, at a mere fraction of the cost!
Only available for Business and Agency subscribers.
Search for text inside uploaded files. Indexing happens automatically on our servers on upload. We support PDF, Microsoft Office, Open Document Format and many more file formats in any language.
Automated thumbnail generation for uploaded files. Every image file will get a beautiful thumbnail. We also support PDF, Microsoft Office, Open Document Format, Videos and many more file formats.
Crop photos, resize them, rotate them, flip them, apply instagram like filters and so much more. Overlay borders and text on your photos to make your very own viral memes and web adverts, all from within your browser and without leaving your site!
Automated resizing of uploaded images. No more server limits on the maximum size of featured images that can be uploaded and resized!
Easily find, select and insert beautiful and royalty free feature images from Unsplash, a photography collection from the world’s most generous community of photographers.
Validate email addresses, combat spam and help prevent typos with LEADman and Joomlatools Connect.
Unfortunately we don't have any connect features for this extension yet. Got a great idea? Let us know!