Keep track of all the changes

DOCman for Wordpress 1.2.0 | 27 May 2021

  • added - Show category IDs in the user interface
  • added - Separate document view from category view permissions
  • added - Flat documents list block
  • improved - Secure submit block
  • improved - Block options handling
  • improved - Internal groups and roles synchronization
  • fixed - Resource not found on DOCman pages pointing to restricted categories
  • fixed - Fix checkboxes state based on permissions
  • fixed - Installer not issuing re-direct after Framework update
  • fixed - Issue with discard action on forms
  • fixed - Connect minor issues and improvements
  • fixed - Google preview enabled by default
  • fixed - Roles synchronization
  • fixed - Internal group initialization for users containing multiple roles
  • fixed - JS error on permissions UI

DOCman for Wordpress 1.1.0 | 16 February 2021

  • added - Connect functionality
  • added - Features based on subscription level
  • added - Permissions UI in tabbed layout instead of modal
  • added - Onwer special user group on permissions UI
  • added - Document actions on permissions UI
  • fixed - Descriptions content is sometimes completely or partially being lost on save
  • fixed - Options table not being cleaned up on uninstall
  • fixed - Bulk category delete errors
  • fixed - Backend categories view icons not properly displayed
  • removed - Managers from permissions UI

DOCman for Wordpress 1.0.0 | 17 November 2020

  • added - Replace user groups with just groups on UIs
  • added - Allow editing slugs for both categories and documents
  • fixed - Login download flow
  • fixed - Wrong re-direct on cancel
  • fixed - Default category on upload forms

DOCman for Wordpress 1.0.0-beta.2 | 06 October 2020

  • added - Document descriptions
  • added - Developer mode switch in settings
  • added - Icon selector for documents and categories
  • added - Search block and shortcode ([docman-search])
  • improved - Streamlined shortcode names and parameters
  • improved - Document form publish settings
  • improved - Use ~documents for permalinks
  • improved - Added more settings to Gutenberg blocks and shortcodes
  • improved - Layout issues on light mode
  • fixed - Gallery view download button respects permissions now
  • fixed - Custom ordering issue in backend
  • fixed - Document counts were off in the category tree
  • fixed - Category tree issues after edits and deletes
  • fixed - Import issues from Joomla

DOCman for Wordpress 1.0.0-beta.1 | 23 July 2020

  • added - Category selection in list block
  • added - Global permissions to settings
  • improved - Changed admin sidebar entry to 'Documents' from 'DOCman'

DOCman for Wordpress 1.0.0-alpha-r.5 | 07 July 2020

  • fixed - Migrator issues
  • fixed - Gallery view modal issue
  • fixed - Issues running Docman on a subfolder

DOCman for Wordpress 1.0.0-alpha-r.4 | 18 June 2020

  • fixed - Frontend routing problem when using SEF permalink settings

DOCman for Wordpress 1.0.0-alpha-r.3 | 16 June 2020

  • added - Use Mason and Github actions for build scripts
  • added - Uploader on attach documents block, aka doclink
  • added - Prevent page navigation on attachment view
  • added - List layout for displaying attachments
  • added - Force endpoint routing on fragments
  • added - Refactor text counter to Alpine.js
  • fixed - Foreign key issues on Wordpress users table
  • fixed - Installer upgrades
  • fixed - Sample pages registration
  • fixed - Loader container CSS background on dark mode
  • fixed - Cache invalidation
  • fixed - Document count check when deleting categories
  • fixed - Show attachments after Hiearchical document list page
  • fixed - Document preview