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Configuring TEXTman

Last updated: 21 April 2022

The TEXTman settings screen lets you configure the extension to your specific needs. The following parameters are available:

Read more limit

The read more limit allows you set an automatic read more link after a set number of characters, or you can select to manually add a read more link (default Joomla behaviour).

Toolbar location

You can set the toolbar to show either at the top of the viewport or at the bottom of the viewport.

Resize images so they are smaller than

If you select an image size then your images will be resized automatically so that the maximum image dimensions match this size.

File path

The file path is the location where non-image files are being uploaded that you drag and drop into the editor. The default file path is your Joomla root's images folder, you can change this setting so that TEXTman uses a custom folder to store your files in. The file path is relative to your Joomla root folder.

Image path

The image path is the location where images files are being uploaded that you drag and drop into the editor. The default image path is your Joomla root's images folder, you can change this setting so that TEXTman uses a custom folder to store your images in. The image path is relative to your Joomla root folder.

Allowed file extensions

TEXTman allows you to upload   Archive files, Documents, Audio files or Video files by default, however, you can link to other filetypes by adding the filetype extension for your file.