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Featured Image

Last updated: 20 April 2022

To set a featured image for your article, you can select from your Joomla root's images folder and / or upload a new image using TEXTman's built-in media manager.

Note: Business and Agency subscribers can also access Joomlatools' image editor as well as select royalty-free stock images from Unsplash.

  1. Select Upload in the article's featured image panel.

  2. Click on the change button, TEXTman's built-in media manager will open in a modal window.

  3. Navigate to the folder which contains your image, or where you want to upload your new image (you can create a new folder too).
  4. Select your image, or drag-and-drop the image you want to upload.
  5. Once selected, click on the Insert button in the Selected file info column.
  6. The media manager will automatically close and you can now save your article.