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Logging page views

Last updated: 14 June 2022

LOGman is able to keep track of content views since version 4.0. A page view is what we call an impression. We use impressions in different ways for providing a better understanding of how visitors make use of your site.

Impressions can be visualised in the LOGman's admin interface and are kept separate from other activities due to their special nature and to considerable reduce the amount activities listed as depending on the traffic volume of your site, page views are likely to be big in numbers. Impressions are currently supported for Joomla articles and K2 content.

Impressions are not only useful for providing an overview of who visited a given page and when, this data is also used for exposing some basic but also very useful metrics about how visitors and engaging content on your site. For more information about LOGman's content analytics please make sure to read this related article.

Impressions logging is disabled by default when installing LOGman. There are some considerations to be aware of when enabling this feature as it may considerably increase the amount of data that LOGman is going to be logging on daily basis.

More data means more writing access to your database tables, especially if this setting is enabled in conjunction with guest activity logging. By default when enabled this logs page views for logged in users, only when log activities from guest users is enabled will it log those too page views too. This is not recommended for a heavy traffic site. 

When enabling this feature it is important to know that the size of some tables is going to grow considerably over time and that the database server must keep up to handle all of the extra writing access to avoid bottlenecks.