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Getting started with FILEman

Last updated: 22 March 2022


  1. Download FILEman from your Joomlatools Dashboard
  2. Navigate to System > Install > Extensions
  3. Open the Upload Package File tab
  4. Click Choose file to select the downloaded FILEman package
  5. Click Upload & Install to start installation

Let's get started

Now that you know how to install FILEman, let’s start using it.

1. Create your first folder

  1. Navigate to Components > FILEman
  2. Click New Folder in the toolbar
  3. Enter a name for the folder and click Create

2. Create a menu item

  1. Navigate to Menus > Main Menu and create a new Menu Item
  2. Enter a title
  3. Select FILEman's Folder Menu Item Type
  4. Click Save & Close

Note: FILEman has various Menu Items depending on the type of page you want to display.

Learn more about FILEman's various menu item types.

3. Upload your first file

  1. Visit the frontend of your website and log in as a user with upload permissions
  2. Navigate to the FILEman menu item that we set up in step 2
  3. Click Upload to select a file or drag & drop the file(s) you want to upload
  4. Once your file(s) has finished uploading close the dialogue window

Learn more about uploading files in FILEman

4. Download your first file

  1. Open your website and navigate to the newly created menu item
  2. Click on the file's name and it will begin to download.

If you have uploaded a .pdf file, then FILEman will display this file in the browser

If you have uploaded a media file, such as an audio .mp3 or video .mp4 file, then FILEman will play this file in the browser using the built-in media player

Next steps

Congratulations! You’ve now taken your first step in using FILEman. There are lots of other resources to help you along the way.

  • Tutorials, we've written some interesting tutorials.