Keep track of all the changes

FILEman 5.0.1 | 08 July 2024

  • fixed - Body handling on application/json content-type requests
  • fixed - PHP deprecation notices

FILEman 5.0.0 | 27 February 2024

  • added - Joomla 5 compatibility
  • improved - Standalone requests support on Joomla
  • fixed - Koowa plugin event handling
  • fixed - Multidownload inside folders with level 2 and up
  • fixed - Install warnings because of missing schemas folder
  • fixed - FILElinks being processed more than once
  • fixed - 404 errors on content with deleted FILEman files/folders
  • fixed - PHP warnings
  • fixed - Attachments frontend rendering

FILEman 4.0.6 | 16 November 2022

  • fixed - PHP8 fixes
  • fixed - Permalinks not working in Joomla 4
  • fixed - Use k-visually-hidden for hidden items
  • fixed - Register events in Joomla
  • fixed - Remove leftover file on update

FILEman 4.0.5 | 16 August 2022

  • improved - FILElink support for CKEditor file browser
  • improved - Update to latest FW version joomlatools/joomlatools-framework
  • fixed - Connect issue in root folder
  • fixed - Multidownload fails in Joomla 4

FILEman 4.0.4 | 08 March 2022

  • fixed - Plugins imported twice on Joomla 4
  • fixed - Corrupt session data after logout on Joomla 4
  • fixed - Wrong CSS font paths on Joomla 4

FILEman 4.0.3 | 27 January 2022

  • added - Full compatibility with both Joomla 3 and Joomla 4
  • added - Require PHP7.3
  • added - PHP8 and MySQL8 compatibility