How can I upgrade to the latest version?

We regularly make new releases to ensure compability with latest versions of Joomla and to fix bugs and add features. You can check on our GitHub repository if new releases have been made available.

To see which version you have installed, run joomla --version.

If a newer version has been released, you can upgrade to the latest version by running this Composer command:

composer global require joomlatools/console

What are the requirements to run this application?

A Unix based operating system such as MacOS or Linux. (Windows users can use our Joomla vagrant box)

I don't like messing around on my computer. Is there an easier installation method?

Definitely! We have created a pre-configured box to build Joomla sites. You just need to download it and you're ready to go.

For more information, take a look at our Joomlatools Vagrant box!

Can I add custom functionality?

You most certainly can! We have created a plugin system that allows you to insert 3rd party and custom commands very easily. See the Plugins section for more information and examples.