
LOGman is super flexible and customizable. In the developer docs you will find useful information to help you extend and customise LOGman to your exact requirements.

LOGman is built on top of our Joomlatools Framework. Information about the Framework can be found in our framework documentation.

LOGman is our activity logging extension for Joomla. It is built on top of a reusable activities component that exposes an API for developing powerful activity aware applications.

The API was greatly inspired and fully adheres to the Activitiy Streams specification. It currently supports and extends the first version of the specification. This is an excellent source of information for any developer looking forward to develop applications that deal with activity streams.

LOGman allows 3rd party developers to integrate their extensions into the activity logging system with ease. To this end, a complete and comprehensive guide is made available under the Plugins section. A straightforward API endpoint is also provided to write integrations without using a plugin. This last method is simpler but also less powerful. We advise any integrator to review both methods and then decide which one is a better fit for the project. Additionally, any developer looking forward to develop LOGman integrations is encouraged to take a look at the activity streams specification.

All LOGman activity messages may be translated to other languages. Internationalization of activity messages is made possible thanks to our activities translator. A guide for for translating activities messages is provided in the Translations section.