Introducing our new demo site!

About two weeks ago we soft released the DOCman 2.0, LOGman 2.0 and FILEman 2.0 stable extensions. We’ve received some great compliments from our customers who updated their sites.

Final step in the roll-out process is to give you the ability to also test our new extensions. Last week we’ve updated our demo site to with the 2.0 stable versions of all our extensions. That’s not all we did however!

Going responsive

One of the bigger new features for DOCman 2.0 stable and FILEman 2.0 is full support for responsive Joomla templates. All our extensions now work perfectly on any screen size.


The toolbar where you can choose a device

To let you test this we’ve introduced a new toolbar on the demo site. With this toolbar you can easily switch between different screen sizes and see how our extensions look and feel on smaller devices like tablets and phones.

You can give it a spin here, click on the different devices to see for yourself.

Better content

On our previous demo we just showcased a few layouts to give an idea of what could be done with the extensions. On this new demo site we created a lot more menu items. All layouts that are available in both DOCman and FILEman are now viewable on the demo. We’re also showcasing the two modules that are available for DOCman.

Feel free to play around with the settings to see what else DOCman and FILEman can do for you!


DOCman hierarchical list as shown on the demo site


FILEman gallery as shown on the demo site

You can give the extensions and the demo toolbar a try today!

Let us know what you think of the new demo in the comments.