Joomla extensions and WordPress plugins that just work!

  • 100K+ sites using our software
  • 752K software downloads
  • 13000 solved support tickets
  • 5 / 5 customer rating

How can we help you?

Are you looking for software to help you create better websites, in need of better insights on your website, or looking for a partner to help you realize your new ideas? We can help!


Extend your Joomla website with our extensions and create an even better experience for your users!


Bring enterprise features to your Joomla site through web services hosted on our cloud infrastructure.


Manage files, documents and downloads, like never before, on your WordPress website.


Update all your websites from one easy to use dashboard and get fast insights on your connect services.

What do our customers say?

Very happy with the support.

Excellent support. Had an issue that I could resolve and just on the support forum and got an answer within a few hours with a fix. Very happy with the support. Thanks so much!

Jason Kimber
Jason Kimber

Impressed with the level of support

There was a recent update to fix a known bug in FILEman 3, which unfortunately, created another issue. The team did not stop investigating the issue, until they had identified and fixed it. They kept me informed throughout, with regular updates.

I must say, I am very impressed with the level of support and to the team for their professionalism. Well done guys. Their products and support service is fully and strongly recommended.

Donald Gerrard
Donald Gerrard

I can count on this business partner

I am working with DOCman on several Websites and I love it. It's a great Tool and I think there is no better in Joomla Market. And if there are questions there is a quick an very good support. I can count on this business partner. That's very important for me. Thank you.

Jürgen Langer
Jürgen Langer

Some of our clients

  • Accenture logo Accenture
  • Deloitte logo Deloitte
  • Belgian Police logo Belgian Police
  • MIT logo MIT
  • IGT logo IGT
  • iit logo iit
  • NHS logo NHS
  • Epicor logo Epicor

People and products

At Joomlatools we care greatly about the people using our products. And we don’t stop there, we care about your customers as well!

About us

Excellent support

In our Support Center customers can ask questions, report issues and provide feedback. Our dedicated support is happy to help you.

About Joomlatools

Joomlatools is a brand of Timble, an internationally recognized team of experts specialized in development for Joomla and WordPress.

Open Source

We’re passionate about Free & Open Source software and work hard to provide high quality tools to help move your website forward.